Foto: John Schnobrich/Unsplash

Institutet för framtidsstudier rekryterar en forskningsassistent till ett projekt som leds av Pontus Strimling. En examen i filosofi är lämplig för positionen. Så här skriver institutet:

Public opinion on many moral issues, such as same-sex marriage and women’s rights, have undergone radical changes in the past half century, both in Sweden and globally. Strimling and his longtime collaborator Kimmo Eriksson have developed Moral Argument Theory to explain these shifts. The team now aims to expand the core theory into a more general framework to understand changing public sentiment and behavior in other areas, such as public opinion about climate policy and how people engage with new technologies.

Sista ansökningsdag är 19 januari 2024. Läs mer på institutets hemsida.